How Much Is Not Worrying About Cybersecurity Worth To You?

2 minute read

At an increasing rate, cybersecurity issues have been making mainstream news. There are headlines of major companies getting hit for millions of dollars in ransomware, large scale infiltration of user data from government agencies and social media companies, but what about the SMB market? What about the companies you work at or that your neighbor owns? Those aren’t making the headlines, but the problem is just as serious.

Recently, Microsoft Exchange servers had a vulnerability exploited. This exploit was quickly passed around and breaches were happening at alarming levels. Our team recognized the importance of patching this vulnerability. Working non-stop, the AIS team was able to directly remediate this issue with all our exposed customers. Not only were we able to meet the strict C.I.S.A. deadline for a critical vulnerability, but we also made sure our customers knew this high visibility issue was already addressed.

What sets AIS apart is our ability to be agile during critical issues. We identify early and work proactively to ensure that cybersecurity issues aren’t a worry for your organization. AIS not only follows best practices, but also sets the benchmark for mitigating network security threats. We are built from the ground up to bring enterprise level solutions to the SMB market. They are built with your needs in-mind.

AIS is here to make sure you can concentrate on your core business while we concentrate on your technology.

Last modified April 16, 2021
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